2022-23 Grantees

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Andrew K. Godwin, PhD & Steven Soper, PhD

Andrew K. Godwin, PhD & Steven Soper, PhD

Project Title: “Liquid Biopsy using Tumor Specific Extracellular Vesicles for the Early Detection of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer”

Dr. Godwin is the Chancellors Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences, Endowed Professor, and Director of Molecular Oncology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at The University of Kansas Medical Center. In the fall of 2019, Dr. Godwin was named the recipient of the Dolph Simons Award in the Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Soper is a Foundation Distinguished Professor at The University of Kansas and holds joint appointments in the Departments of Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering.

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Chuan He, PhD & Ernst Lengyel, MD, PhD

Chuan He, PhD & Ernst Lengyel, MD, PhD

Project Title: “Epigenetic cell-free DNA biomarkers for ovarian cancer detection”

Dr. He is a chemical biologist and the John T. Wilson Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. Dr. Lengyel is an Arthur L. and Lee G. Herbst Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Chicago.

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Gottfried Konecny, MD & Victor Velculescu, MD, PhD

Gottfried Konecny, MD & Victor Velculescu, MD, PhD

Project Title: “Non-invasive liquid biopsy approach for early detection of ovarian cancer using cell free DNA fragmentation patterns”

Dr. Konecny is a Professor of Oncology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Director of Medical Gynecologic Oncology at UCLA. Dr. Velculescu is Co-Director of Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics, and a Professor of Oncology and Pathology at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins.

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Ronny Drapkin, MD, PhD & Jarrod Marto, PhD

Ronny Drapkin, MD, PhD & Jarrod Marto, PhD

Project Title: “Bioanalytical platform for identification and validation of ovarian cancer biomarkers in tissues and proximal fluids”

Dr. Drapkin is an Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pathology at the University of Pennsylvania and the Director of the Ovarian Cancer Research Center at Penn Medicine. Dr. Marto is an Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Blais Proteomics Center and Principal Investigator for the Department of Cancer Biology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Drapkin and Dr. Marto are Co-Principal Investigators on this project.

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Daniel A. Heller, PhD & Kara Long Roche, MD

Daniel A. Heller, PhD & Kara Long Roche, MD

Project Title: “Monitoring Intrauterine Biomarkers to Detect Pre-Invasive Disease”

Dr. Heller is head of the Cancer Nanomedicine Laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Dr. Long Roche is a gynecologic oncologist at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Long Roche and Dr. Heller are Co-Principal Investigators on this project.

Many thanks to Douglas A. Levine, MD, of NYU Perlmutter Cancer Center, for his contributions as Co-PI during the first phase of this project.

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