2022 NextGen NYC Spring Soirée
The Tina’s Wish NextGen NYC came together after far too long at Monarch Rooftop in the heart of New York City. 200 guests were able to reconnect and network while supporting a great cause.
The Spring Soirée raised over $52,000 to support scientific research for the early detection and prevention of ovarian cancer. A huge thank you to everyone who attended and/or contributed!
If you were unable to attend but would like to make a contribution, please click here.
If you are interested in getting more involved with the Tina’s Wish NextGen NYC Committee, please contact Caroline Wilson, cwilson@tinaswish.org.
A heartfelt THANK YOU to our generous sponsors.
Premier Sponsors

Teal Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Raffle Prizes
Thank you to the evening’s raffle prize donors.